Todd Hastings | Skate Sonr

Appeared as Athlete In

The Bones Brigade Video Show  (1984)

By: Powell Peralta

"The Bones Brigade Video Show" is the first full-length film released by Powel Peralta in 1984. It is one of the earliest full-length videos released ...

Directed or Produced

Play  (1992)

By: Powell Skateboards

"Play" is the 3rd skate video released by Powell Skateboards and the 14th skate video made in relation to George Powell.  ...

Chaos  (1991)

By: Powell Skateboards

"Chaos" is the second video released by Powell Skateboards. Unfortunately, the quality of this film went far down since the days of Powell Peralta. It ...

Public Domain  (1988)

By: Powell Peralta

Public Domain is the 4th skate film released by Powell Peralta. It features the Bones Brigade team from 1988 which included legends like Tony Hawk, ...

The Search For Animal Chin  (1987)

By: Powell Peralta

"The Search For Animal Chin" is the third film released by Powell Peralta in 1987. Mostly filmed in 1986, it follows several members of Bones ...

Filmed or Photographed

Play  (1992)

By: Powell Skateboards

"Play" is the 3rd skate video released by Powell Skateboards and the 14th skate video made in relation to George Powell.  ...

Chaos  (1991)

By: Powell Skateboards

"Chaos" is the second video released by Powell Skateboards. Unfortunately, the quality of this film went far down since the days of Powell Peralta. It ...