Salvador Lucas Barbier (Sal) | Skate Sonr

Salvador Lucas Barbier "Sal"

Appeared as Athlete In

The Story  (1997)

By: H-Street Skateboards , Life Skateboards & Planet Earth Skateboards

The Story is a collection of footage from H-Street's previous videos that had not been released as well as longer versions of footage that had ...

Second Hand Smoke  (1994)

By: Plan B Skateboards

Second Hand Smoke is the third skate video released by Plan B skateboards. SHS continues the momentum set forth by the two original Plan B ...

Virtual Reality  (1993)

By: Plan B Skateboards

Virtual Reality by Plan B Skateboards is the second skate video released in 1993. It is the follow up to the famous and historical first ...

Questionable  (1992)

By: Plan B Skateboards

Questionable by Plan B is the first skateboarding video released by them in 1992. It's a historical milestone because skateboarding was in the midst of ...

This Is Not The New H-Street Video  (1991)

By: H-Street Skateboards

"This Is Not The New H-Street Video" is not officially a full length skate video but more of a composition of skate footage that didn't ...

Hokus Pokus  (1989)

By: H-Street Skateboards

Hokus Pokus is the second skate video released by H-Streett skateboards in 1989. In 2013 the soundtrack for Shack Me Not and Hokus Pokus was released. ...

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