Starting Point 3 By Transworld Skateboarding | Skate Sonr

A Step-By-Step guide to leanring street-course fundamentals

Skateboarding is reaching an all-time high in popularity. With this increased skateboarding awareness comes an influx of new skaters and places to shred. Skateparks are one of these new havens for skaters to gather, lern new tricks, and hone their skills. TransWorld SkATEboarding's Instructional Video Number Four is hosted by Steve Berra at his personal training facility. There he demonstrates street-course fundamentals walking you through the basic techniques of grinds, slides, and flips. As a bonus, some of Berra's friends (including Heath Kirchart, Scott Johnston, and Eric Koston) drop by his skatepark for a session. So, grab your board and prepare to get tricky.

Duration: 33 minutes
Category: How To Skateboard
Sport: Skateboarding
Attribution: SkateVideoSite
Description Track Starts At
Intro 00:00
Frontside 50/50 03:08
Fontside 5-0 04:08
Backside 50/50 05:12
Backside 5-0 06:07
Backside Feeble 07:00
Crooked Grind 07:55
Frontside Smith 08:58
Backside Boardslide 09:53
Frontside Boardslide 10:38
Backside Noseslide 11:28
Frontside Noseslide 12:25
Frontside Lipslide 13:32
Backside Lipslide 14:21
Frontside Tailslide 15:21
Backside Tailslide 16:12
Skate Session 17:14
Kickflip 19:52
Backside Kickflip 21:05
Frontside Kickflip 22:00
Backside Shove It 22:58
Frontside Shove It 23:50
Frontside Heelflip Shove It 24:45
Fakie Kickflip 25:45
Nollie Heelflip 26:35
Nollie Kickflip 27:30
Backside Half-Cab Heelflip 28:27
Frontside Half-Cab Kickflip 29:24
Outro Monologue 30:20
Credits 31:15

Across which years is the soundtrack from and how many tracks are from each year.

Year Count
1999 3
1998 1

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