History of videos for H-Street Skateboards | Skate Sonr

History of videos for H-Street Skateboards

A chronology timeline of films released by

  1. Shackle Me Not by H-Street Skateboards film cover

    Shackle Me Not

    Shackle Me Not is the first skate video released by H-Street Skateboards.  The soundtrack is a mix of tracks released by artists and sole musical tracks that are hard to know who wrote or perform...

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  1. Hokus Pokus by H-Street Skateboards film cover

    Hokus Pokus

    Hokus Pokus is the second skate video released by H-Streett skateboards in 1989. In 2013 the soundtrack for Shack Me Not and Hokus Pokus was released. See links below.  Soundtrack links: Spotify...

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  1. This Is Not The New H-Street Video by H-Street Skateboards video cover

    This Is Not The New H-Street Video

    "This Is Not The New H-Street Video" is not officially a full length skate video but more of a composition of skate footage that didn't fit in the previous skate videos by H-Street Skateboards. There ...

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  1. Next Generation by H-Street Skateboards video cover

    Next Generation

    Next Generation is the third full length skate video by H-Street Skateboards released in 1992.

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  1. Lick by H-Street Skateboards video cover


    Lick is the fourth full length skate video released by H-Street Skateboards in 1993.

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  1. The Story By H-Street Skateboards video cover

    The Story

    The Story is a collection of footage from H-Street's previous videos that had not been released as well as longer versions of footage that had been released. This is also the last long full-length for...

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