Getting Musical (August '23 update) | Skate Sonr

Getting Musical (August '23 update)

Skate Music
Photo By: Budgeron Bach

Hello! It's been almost 6 months since I wrote up an update so it's past overdue for one.

So what's been going on on this site? Well, I've been making a lot of small updates both internal and external to the site.

Some internal changes are just to help me be able to gather and archive data faster. Other internal changes are ways to implement new 3rd party services to help me with data gathering.

Externally, there's been a good amount of updates since my last update. Here is a good list to go through:

  • New music pages!
    • This is something I've wanted to do for a while and finally got it done. You can now view specific pages for tracks and artists. Each shows which films, people, and sections the track or artist was used in.
  • Update of film pages.
    • I have updated the film pages to a slightly different design to make it easier to scan. I'm now linking to tracks and artists on the soundtrack section of films. I also updated the graphs section to include some charts. I condensed the cast and crew section to take up less space and be easier to scan through it. And lastly, I updated the related films section to include films by the current film organization(s) or by other organizations that match the current film details.
  • Update search pages to include tracks and artists.
    • You can now search for specific tracks and specific artists to see their details.
  • Tracks in people and organizations pages.
    • I've also added the tracks used by people and organanizations. For people, it's easy to add all the track they've used in different films but for organizations it can get very long (such 411VM has over 2,000 different tracks used) so it only displays some of the ones used in the latest films. 
  • 411VM archival.
    • I have been working to go through all 411VM films and publish information on them. It's a very tedious task but very rewarding. I am a little over 1/3rd of the way through them but I look forward to finishing them. 411 films are legendary for the skate community for the amount of history they recorded with each release and I want that history to be fully archived and searchable for anyone looking into them.

There's been a lot of smaller details that escape my mind right now but those details above are the major ones.

Anyways, as always, I thank you for reading my updates and I encourage you to make time to spend with the people in your life.