Latest Documentary Videos For Year 2021 | Skate Sonr

Latest Documentary Videos For Year 2021

Ben Raemers story on Vice News

Skater Ben Raemers’ Tragic Death Sparked a Mental Health Movement

Abraham Arango
8th November, 2021

Vice News did an in-depth story on skater Ben Raemers. It's a story that does not have a happy ending, but an important one to tell to prevent other stories from ending similarly. For most of us, skateboarding is a great pastime and sport to enjoy away from the stress of ...

Mini documentary about how Vancouver changed the way it creates public spaces

Why Vancouver Changed its Mind About Skateboards

Abraham Arango
1st November, 2021

Youtube channel About Here does a mini dive into how Vancouver went from being a place of banning skateboarders in public spaces by adding skate stoppers in rails and benches to purposely creating public spaces that add beauty to the city while also allowing skateboarders to skate them. Recently, Vancouver ...