Testing new forum and announcing it | Skate Sonr
Added by abe

Testing new forum and announcing it

This is the brand new forum on Sonr

The new forum on Sonr is live and working. It works very much like other forum on other sites. You can post text based posts, image based, video links, or even links to an article.

I began working on this feature on October 4th, 2022 and officially launched it today November 9th, 2022. Takes me a good bit to launch new cool features because I work on this site on my free time. Even then, I had estimated to finish by about November the 4th, so I was not too far off on my estimate.

I hope you all enjoy it to continue to create a community on this site that is 100% focused on building cool features for skateboarders, BMX'ers, surfers, and even rollerbladers.

I have a few more features to build for the site and then I will focus full time on continuing my work of aggregating content.

See you all around!

- Abe

Did you just scrape skatevideosite?